
About my Work, my Studio and me

I have already sewn in countless places: I first learned in the studio of a fine artist friend on an old Singer machine. Surrounded by his work. I have worked on Stube in barracks and made my modifications on materials I worked with daily. I was already sewing in my kitchen living room, chatting with friends and other artists.

Today I have my own studio. It is a former engine shop and therefore has the charm of a hangar. Here all these stages of my journey so far find their expression: surrounded by my material, rare finds and memorabilia, with plenty of space to work and be with friends and customers.

Details. It’s always about the details.

Whether a mission is accomplished or not. Whether a job is well done or not, what you do to make people happy – it’s the details that matter.

I enjoy putting time and energy into those details. It’s how I express how much I value the materials I work with. Thus, I cared about re-cycling and upcycling. My quest is to allow materials to live on, to find new shapes and purposes. I work with tools and under lamps that also had a life before they came to me. By now you’ve guessed that you can look forward to receiving your first tactonics package. Because inside and out, again, it’s the details that make the difference.